Exhibitor Opportunities
Exhibit Hall Schedule:
Location: Anchorage Denai’ina Civic & Convention Center (map) – Tikahtnu Banquet Hall (Sections A/B)
Exhibitor Load In & Booth Set Up
- Wednesday, August 27, 2025, 7:30AM – 10:30AM
- Wednesday, August 27, 2025, 11:00AM – 6:00PM (reception begins in foyer at 4:45PM)
- Thursday, August 28, 2025, 8:00AM – 3:00PM
Exhibitor Tear Down & Load Out Time
- Thursday, August 28, 2025, 3:00PM
Booth Options
In appreciation of their support, Conference Sponsors will receive a discount of $250 per booth space. To learn about sponsorship and combination opportunities, click HERE.
There are a limited number of booth spaces available.
- Opportunity to select premium booth space (first come, first served)
- One (1) 10′ x 10′ booth space
- Two (2) complimentary conference registrations (Up to $1000 value)
- Recognition on the conference app
- Up to two (2) meals for booth attendants (in addition to those attending full conference)
*All booth attendants invited to enjoy conference breaks and refreshments.
- AOGA will select your booth space
- One (1) 10′ x 10′ booth space
- Two (2) complimentary conference registrations (Up to $1000 value)
- Recognition on the conference app
- Up to two (2) meals for booth attendants (in addition to those attending full conference)
*All booth attendants invited to enjoy conference breaks and refreshments.
Booth Space
Each 10′ x 10′ booth space includes:
- Black pipe and drape
- Carpet
- 6′ skirted table with two chairs
- Electricity — 500 watts
- Access to wireless internet
Additional Services:
Additional amenities and equipment for your space may be available by request and for an additional fee. If you require freight handling, additional electrical service, a TV monitor, high stools, stanchions, additional tables, etc. please place your order directly with Alaska Event Services (AES) by clicking HERE.
DEADLINE FOR DISCOUNT AES PRICING: Discount pricing expires ten (10) days before show move-in date (Expiration: 08/17/25). All orders taken ten (10) days or less before move-in will be charged at the standard rate.
FREIGHT DEADLINE: If you will be shipping any items to or from the conference, please complete the Material Handling/Inbound Freight Service Order Form (see end of order form for details). FREIGHT DEADLINE is Friday, August 22 by 5:00PM AKT.
For questions related to additional services (not included with your booth), please contact AES at (907) 345-8789 or info@alaskaeventservices.com.
Prohibited Items:
The Dena’ina Civic & Convention Center does not permit ice cream or perishable food items to be distributed to attendees. Please consult with AOGA prior to the conference for any specific food and beverage items you would like to provide. Small, individually-wrapped candy is acceptable.
For a full list of venue guidelines for Exhibitors, please click HERE.
Payment Options
Credit/Debit Card: Visa, Discover, Mastercard and American Express are accepted.
Checks: Please make checks payable to “AOGA” and mail to 121 W. Fireweed Lane, Suite 207, Anchorage, AK 99503
Refunds & Cancellations: Please note that all sales are final. If you cannot attend the Conference, you may transfer your complimentary registrations to other attendees. Please provide any transfer information by Friday, August 16, 2024 (12:00PM AKT) for planning purposes.
About AOGA
The Alaska Oil and Gas Association (AOGA) is a nonprofit, professional trade association whose mission is to foster the long-term viability of the oil and gas industry for the benefits of all Alaskans. We represent the majority of companies that are exploring, developing, producing, refining, or marketing oil and gas on the North Slope, in the Cook Inlet, and in the offshore areas of Alaska.